It's the last day of birthday week, and it's time to break out the presents! Today Amy and I are each hosting a giveaway on our blogs as part of our week long It's My Party and I'll Craft if I Want To event. And one of you is going to walk away with an amazing gift.
I had a great time this week sewing projects for myself and sharing some of my favorite things. I shared my dumpling pouch, my favorite everyday things, my sewing machine cozy, and my favorite crafty things. Now it's time to give a gift to one of you! I'm so jealous of the goodies up for grabs. Ready?
First of all, Riley Blake is very generously offering up a fat quarter bundle of Apple of My Eye! Can you believe this?!?
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Image Source: Riley Blake |
Love it! Thanks so much to Riley Blake for the opportunity to include this gorgeous fabric in today's giveaway. But wait... there's more :)
Remember one of my favorite crafty things, SMASH books? Want one?
I even included a SMASH accessory... Check out the black and white SMASH band to hold your book together.
And how about a handmade dumpling pouch that I put together using the Michelle Patterns tutorial?
The exterior is one of my favorite fabrics... Lizzy House Pearl Bracelet in red. The interior is the same fabric I used to line my sewing machine cozy.
We're not done! Also included in this giveaway is a beautiful handmade button from Pizzazz Pottery...
Some polka dot pencils...
And finally this pack of cute die-cut button stickers...
Lots of great stuff up for grabs. The Apple of My Eye fat quarter bundle plus all of this...
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This giveaway is now CLOSED.
Odds of winning are based on number of entries.You must be a 18 years or older and live in the United States or Canada to be eligible to win this prize.Leave an email address in your comment if your email is not attached to your Blogger profile.This giveaway will be open until Friday, May 25th at 10:00pm (EST).Winner will be chosen using a random number generator.Fabric will be shipped by Riley Blake. The remainder of the prize will be shipped by me.
... Amy is giving away another Apple of My Eye fat quarter bundle from Riley Blake!

Wow, what a fabulous giveaway! My fav crafting tool would be my sewing machine :)
Love all the goodies! My favorite tools ate my yarn and my crochet hooks.
My favorite tool has to be my sewing machine. I love what I can create with it.
Thanks for such a great giveaway.
My favorite tool is my rotary cutter, when I first got it thinking this is not going to cut and what a life saver. Straight lines.
I think my favorite tool is my seam ripper.
What an awesome giveaway! Thanks so much. I really enjoyed following along this week. My favfabric is anything Amy or anything Kaffe. Have a Happy Day!
My fave tool of the moment is my Silhouette SD. I'm having fun experimenting and learning how to use it. LOVE your fab machine cover. I need to make a 2nd one and your color blocking was inspirational. Have a great Friday!
I love my ergonomic seam ripper. It gets used often so at least it is more comfortable when I have to break it out.
Wow! What an awesome giveaway! Thanks for your generosity. My favorite tool is probably my seam ripper (I've had that thing forever!) And my favorite fabric would be baby print flannel. It's just so cute and cuddly!
Oooh I would LOVE to win!
My favorite crafty tool is definitely my sewing machine! This is my 3rd upgrade since learning to sew and it's WAY smarter than I am- but I'm learning to keep up with it!
Happy Birthday!
my fav tool is a good pair of fabric scissors. Not sure how I cut fabric smoothly before them! and yay Canadian friendly giveaways!
Totally coveting the pouch and button! And notebook...
My favorite craft tool right now would have to be Pinterest. So many fun ideas and inspiration.
I think my favorite crafting tool is my hot glue gun, who doesn't love easy crafting?!
Just one favourite tool? Hmmmm my rotary cutter? It make it all possible!
Happy happy birthday! I really have to make one of those dumpling pouches - so adorable. Thanks for sharing. So - my favorite crafting tool? My sewing machine. Since upgrading my machine, frustrations have been so much lower and I can just sit down and know it will work. Whew.
Right at the moment I believe my favorite tool is my little hidey hole of a sewing room. I can finally get in there and get some serious work done. I also love anything with polka dots, fabric, shoes, chairs....
Great giveaway!
My favorite crafting tool is my sewing machine. I use it daily.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Oh what a wonderful giveaway! My favorite tool right now would be the sewing machine. I try to sit at it at least every other day (perfect world would be every day).
Choosing a favorite tool is super difficult. I'm going to say scissors just because I use them constantly.
Thanks for the chance!
Happy Birthday! Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful giveaway! My favorites are my sewing machine and rotary cutter :)
My rotary cutter and mat are the two best things I've purchased to make sewing so much easier! My birthday was this week too. Happy Birthday!
My favorite tool is my glue gun--I've started using in on paper projects too because it dries so much faster than liquid glue :)
Fabric. Yes. All of it. I simply love fabric. Absolutely my favorite crafting substance. :) Rotary cutters and chopsticks (for turning and corners) are also at the top of my list.
I don't think I can limit it to just one tool...I love my bias tape maker, rotary cutter, and of course my sewing machine. :)
What an awesome giveaway! My favorite tool would have to be my sewing machine!
My favorite fabric, hands down, is girl on a swing from sherbet pips. I have never been so in love. I have many little sewing gadgets I love, but my new favorite is my hera marker. I've never used one before, but I'm convinced it's the greatest thing ever :)
Thank you for such a marvelous giveaway!
What a great giveaway! I love that little zipper pouch. Thanks for the chance!
I love my embroidery scissors. They cut tiny threads easily and close.
Such fun favorite tool would be my sewing machine and at times, my seam ripper. :)
What a great giveaway! My all time favorite crafting tool is my sewing machine. I used to be really into scrap-booking but have fallen in love with sewing and its my new favorite!
Great giveaway. My favorite tool would have to be my rotary cutter.
Oh my goodness, I'm torn between my sewing machine being first, but I'm thinking that might not be a tool, so I think my rotary cutter and then the ruler you use along with it would have to be next. And always my seam ripper,which I love. I actually lost mine for a week and was shocked how much I missed it! But for now I'll say my rotary cutter!! I love the giveaway, those fabrics are sweet!
I'm your newest follower. So nice to meet you!
Next to my beloved sewing machine, I would say my secret crafting weapon is my CD player! I cannot seem to sew a stitch without it...
LOVE using my rotary cutter for cutting out all my projects - sewing clothes or quilting. Can't believe I used to cut with my scissors :)
Happy Birthday week, and thank you for the great giveaway! I have a jelly roll of apple of my eye, so how can I resist throwing my hat in for more?
My favorite crafting tool as of yesterday are my alphabet stamps. I made a bunch of personalized labels on Kona cotton last night and heat set them and now I'm going to maniacally sew them onto everything I make!
Thanks for the chance to win such fun goodies!! My favorite, and most used, tool is my rotary cutter. Kind a boring, but very necessary!
My favorite crafting tool is my sewing machine. Can't live without it, and don't have enough time in the day to fully enjoy it.
What an amazing giveaway! Right now, my favourite fabric is Sweetwater Reunion.
OK, everything here is darling and I NEED it all! ok, ok...want it all :-) Thanks for all the fun sharing this week and the amazing giveaway! Hope it's been a good birthday week for you.
My favorite crafting tool are my medical clamps. I bought them years ago when I was making porcelain dolls. Now I use them for turning tubes, holding wires together for necklaces I'm stringing, and various other things that come up. I couldn't live without them. I would love to win the give-a-way! I'm loving my quilting and sewing small projects. Yay!
My favorite tools are always my rulers, so many shapes and designs that can be made from each. Great give away, thanks for the chance.
my favorite tool would be the sewing machine itself...its amazing what you can create with that machine!
I just love my Kona color card. I use it all the time. It has saved me numerous times when ordering fabric on-line. Thanks for the chance to win!
Happy birthday, my favorite crafting tool is yarn and knitting needles
My favorite crafting tool is my seam ripper. Not my favorite when I am ripping something out but the narrow point is great for guiding fabric pieces under the presser foot or holding down an edge when I am sewing something by hand. A great tool.
Happy Birthday! It's been a fun week following along. :) I just made myself a table-sized ironing board, and I love it. It's big enough to press 1.5 yards of fabric at a time, so I foresee this being very helpful for quilting, especially making pieced backs. Thanks for the chance!
My favorite tool is my Bloc Loc! It makes perfect half square triangles!!! :)
What a fun week you have hosted! My husband got me a set of sissors for christmas a few years ago. Those are my favorite!! My favorite fabric is some I bought before I ever quilted. Jingle bell mice based on a childrens book. Now I can make it into a quilt. Kim
My favorite IS Apple of My Eye so I would really love to win!
Thanks for the chance to win such great goodies - I'd love the try making the dumpling pouch. I'm a new quilter so my favorite tool is definitely the rotary cutter and mat!
Hey---I just found your blog...I don't know how I've been missing out! I've been snooping around your blog and it is so cute...those fisher price people bags are awesome.
(Ok---I know that this is suppossed to be where I leave a comment for the giveaway and not about your blog so, um sorry for being a crazy person.)
I would have to say my sewing machine. I think it is involved in all of my crafts. Happy birthday week.
My gram left me her sewing machine when she passed away last year. It is not only my favorite crafting tool, but it is inspiring me to be creative.
Happy birthday week:) my favorite fabric, wow, I love all fabric!!! And I love my scissors but not too crazy about my seam ripper even though it always comes out when I am short on time :)
I love your birthday week! Does Pinterest count as a crafting tool? ;) No? Okay, then in that case my favorite crafting tool is probably my awesome sharp and shiny scissors that I got for my birthday last year from my momma... so I'd stop borrowing hers! :)
My favorite fabric at the moment is seersucker :)
Happy Birthday to you. I hope you enjoy it. My favorite crafting tool is my cutting board and rotary cutters.
I love Apple of My Eye fabric. Thanks to Riley Blake for donating the fat quarter bundle. And thank you for the wonderful items you are giving away. I would love to win either prize.
Happy Birthday!
My favorite crafting tool is my journal...all great ideas spring from it ;)
Happy Birthday! My favorite crafting tool is my sewing machine, a gift from my aunt who taught me how to quilt :) thanks for the great giveaway!
My favorite would be the sewing machine, follower by the rotary cutter...Thanks for a chance to win!
I love GLUE! Hot glue, ATG tape, etc. I love being able to fix and create with it!
Like others, my favorite tool is my seam ripper...I'm too much of a perfectionist!
Jeepers. It's a toss up. My favourite crafting tools are probably my sewing machine and my nice pair of scissors. I could live fine on a desert island as long as I had those two. Oh ya, and electricity but that's it!
My seam ripper is my best (and worst) crafting friend.
I think I would have to say that my rotary cutter is my favorite tool. I could hand sew, but I will never hand-cut again (I think).
Thanks for sharing your birthday celebration with us!!
My favorite crafting tool? My mom's brain. I am always calling her when I can't figure something out. I guess second would be my sewing machine. :)
Happy Birthday!
Riley Blake is my all time favorite fabric.
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Happy birthday! I love all fabrics! Really. My husband likes to say that I'm a fabric hoarder. I wish I wasn't, but it's true. Heh heh.
sewing machine and fabric are my favorite.
Hmmm. Favorite crafting tool has to be my ergonomic rotary cutters. LOVE them. By the way, on the package of die cut button stickers? 2nd row, 3rd from left, I have these actual buttons in my button can! How weird is that?
Hmmm, favourite tool - a stitch ripper!
Happy Birthday Week Gwen!
what I prefer? well everything is pretty welcome, there's always something you need specific when you're sewing or crafting, I adore never miss one!
thanks for the giveaway
I don't know that I have a favorite craft tool. I have too many crafting loves to just pick one. The item that I can not live without is an appropriate cutting implement. Rotary cutter, shears, scissors, clipping scissors... I will spend a full 15 minutes searching for the appropriate one before admitting defeat and finding a "second best".
(This is why I have 2 pairs of clipping scissors, 2 rotary cutters with extra blades AND a blade sharpener, several pairs of misc. scissors.)
Wonderful giveaway - My favorite tool is my 35 year old Kenmore sewing machine - such a workhorse and never gives me any problem.
my favorite tool is my sewing machine.
Happy B-Day!! My fav tool is my rotary cutter and my computer. What a computer you say, well yes how else would I enter this give away and see all the cool ideas :-)
My favorite tools are my rottary cutter and my crochet hook! I can't imagine going back to using scissors to cut fabric *Shudder* and crocheting relaxes me wehn I get stressed about pieceing something together :)
Wow, what cool things to win! Thanks for the chance. I have been wanting to make one of those pouches but alas, I was sure I had some zippers in my sewing stash, but I guess I don't! Once I get some, I'll definitely be trying one out...and how cool it would be to use some of that yummy fabric!!
My favorite crafting tool would have to be my sewing machines. Other than my husband and children....I've never spent so much time with something else. Happy Happy Birthday are a sweetheart and thanks for the generous giveaway.
ah my favourite crafting tool is my sewing machine!!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
My favorite fabric is anything by sweetwater and Sarah Jane--they make my soul happy. :)
My favorite tool would have to be my sewing machine.
Happy Birthday week! I hope it has been fabulous!
My favorite tool would have to be my sewing machine.
Thanks for the giveaway!!
mine would have to be my seam ripper thanks for the giveaway
Definitely my sewing machine! Favorite fabric this week? Anything by Riley Blake, Amy Butler, or Michael Miller.
Aside from my sewing machine, I love my iron. It makes everything look so neat.
Happy birthday!
Other than my sewing machine, my favorite tool is the amazing rotary cutter. I can't believe what I can do with that. :) Happy Birthday and thank you for the incredible giveaway.
My favorite tool is my rotary cutter.
Happy Birthday! My favorite tool is my sewing machine and a good pair of sharp scissors.
Okay Gwen, that Smash book looks so awesome! I have never heard of it before and I am so intrigued!
My favorite fabric right now is just simple chambray. I keep seeing everyone make these awesome clothes out of this fabric.
That previous comment was from me! Sorry...I was signed in to the wrong account!
Happy Birthday Gwen! Your handmade goodies are to die for as usual. I am tickled that you included a Smashbook! my favorite tool is a sharp pair of scissors LOL.
Wishing yo the best birthday ever!!! xoxo
I really love the Crop-a-dile tool that I have, even though I don't find enough uses for it, at least it's there when I need it. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I love my rotary cutter!
Happy BIrthday! What generous and lovely giveaways.
My favorite crafting tool is most definitely my sewing machine. I don't have one and only one favorite fabric design but I must say that I've been chosing some fun prints from Robert Kaufman lately.
Thanks for the opportunity to enter the giveaway!
My favorite fabric ever is Alexander Henry's "The Ghastlies"....I've been squirrling away yards of it so I can make my Ghastlies quilt. Halloween is my favorite holiday and I'm going to make a quilt so I can celebrate it year-round.
Thanks for the chance
shel704 at aol dot com
Wow. What a terrific giveaway. Thanks!
would love to win :o) my favorite fabric right now is some black/white damask!
My favorite crafty tool is my Fiskars paper cutter, my favorite sewing tool is my quarter inch foot.
I love the Smashbook concept and have drooled over them at various stores.
I hope you have/had an absolutely fabulous birthday! I have enjoyed the birthday week. :)
Awesome! My fave fabric right now is Riley Blake Chevron Print & Senor Burrito by Alexandar Henry!
Thank you so much for the opportunity;)
I hope #101 will be lucky for me. Your giveaway is so wonderfully fun and generous.
Hartelijk gefeliciteerd!
What an amazing giveaway! So much loveliness.
My favorite tool would probably be my 12" x 6" ruler and my 3.5"square ruler. The two I almost always work with when cutting.
I have a US address of a friend of mine, whome I will be visiting this fall in California (o: So maybe there is a chance for me to join the giveaway.
Mine has to be my hot glue gun!!!
-Sarah Campillo
Wow! Great giveaway! My favorite crafting tool is definitely my sewing machine. I can't imagine my life without it!
My favorite crafting tool is probably my seam ripper...I use it more than anything else lol Thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite fabric is ANYTHING by Anna Maria Horner, I love everything she touches honestly!
I wanted to thank you for showing us those SMASH books, I went out last week and bought 3....exactly what I have been looking for, for YEARS, doing a "Dating" "Wedding" and "Honeymoon" one and then if that turns out well, 1 for each of my boys! THANK YOU!
Good luck to me & everyone else...I hope one of us is a winner of this giveaway.
My favorite tool is a needle... and scissors, and maybe a rotary cutter.
I'm a little late to the party. Happy Birthday! My favorite fabric is linen, even though it is a b#tch to sew.
Any fabric by Amy Butler! Happy birthday and thanks!
My favorite crafting tool is my sewing machine. And my favorite fabric is swirls - just <3 them! Thanks for a chance to win this wonderful giveaway! :)
Sadly, my favorite crafting tool lately is my seam ripper LOL. But a close second is my rotary cutter. How DID people ever cut an entire quilt with scissors?
Thanks for the great giveaway! Love Apple of My Eye and the extras are great too. (The Dumpling Pouch is adorable.
What a fun giveaway! I would love to win!
~Diana @
From James B.
Quilting is for guys, too. I hope I win.
Wow! Seriously amazing. My favorite tool is my seam ripper. I was using a nail clipper for so long and I finally got a ripper.....just laziness on my part. Sweet Maria it's awesome.
What a great giveaway! My favorite tool would have to be whatever I'm using for the project du jour. Sometimes it's the sewing machine, sometimes, hook or needles. And sometimes, it's something as simple as glue dots for cardmaking! How's that for specific! Ha ha!
Happy Birthday, and may you enjoy a blessed year and many more!
My tiny squeezie snips are my favorite. I might need to have them surgically attached to my hand ;-) Thanks for the chance to win!
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