Still loving Anna's basket pattern.
Since I used quilting cotton for my baskets, I went with Anna's recommendation to use both fusible interfacing (I used Craft Fuse 808) and fusible fleece on the exterior pieces of the basket. It really gives the basket a lot of body. Another tip... I had a really hard time finding white cotton webbing for the handles, so I used fabric paint to paint the "natural" colored webbing that I was able to find. It worked really well, so I may use fabric paint again on future basket handles to coordinate the webbing with the fabrics.
I absolutely love these Easter baskets! Can't wait to see them all filled up on Easter morning.
Fabrics: My designs... Available in my Spoonflower shop HERE.

Oh, your divided basket turned out so sweet, I love your fabric design. I did not realize you had started designing your own fabric. How exciting. I have purchased from Spoonflower before and have been very pleased.
So sweet! I love the tip about painting the webbing! That's genius.
Gwen, these are so cute!!! Thanks for sharing.
So cute, Gwen! Still loving on our fabrics, too :) After you posted the last one, I had a dream that I woke up and I actually had one of these baskets in every room. No kidding. Crafting has even taken over my dreams I guess ;)
I think the turquoise is my fave. Your girls are going to be delighted on Easter morning- by the baskets most of all~ especially since they love when you sew for them. :)
I agree with everyone else! I hope your girls enjoy their baskets. The teal is also my favorite. :)
Hi Gwen! I love your baskets and your fabric! Have you ever visited Mama She Crazy on Etsy?( She has lots of cotton webbing in every color under the sun! Very reasonable prices and quick shipping! I love your blog and look forward to your new posts!!!
Ooo, what fun it must be to see your very own designs made up into something. They make a wonderful basket, Gwen!
Gwen, you really make the most adorable things. Love love love this basket! Hope your Easter was a wonderful one with your sweet family.
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