I blog over at just Lu about the things that make up my world, which vary at any given moment between crafting and the seventeen other things I have floating around in my head and my life as a full-time mom to two and wife to the best elementary school teacher ever.
I just finished up a year-long "lifestyle" segment called Housewife MacGyver, during which Gwen was my resourceful guest not just once, but twice! She's got this MacGyver thing all figured out.
Today I'm here to share with you my newest favorite Christmas decor: The Christmas Cheer Garland.
This garland is as inexpensive and easy as you want it to be, and it's sure to bring a smile to everyone who graces your front door this holiday season. Why? Because, as much as I hate to disagree with Buddy the Elf, the best way to spread Christmas cheer is NOT by singing loud for all to hear (especially if you sing like I do), but by spreading treats far and near...
Come on over to get the details on how to assemble your very own Christmas Cheer Garland and start spreading the holiday spirit!
Thanks for having me, Gwen, and happy holidays to all!
This is such a sweet idea! I agree... less singing and more treats, please :) Lorene's Housewife MacGyver series was a huge undertaking this past year, and she did a fantastic job with it. There were so many informative posts on such a wide range of topics. Make sure you check it out. And you have to see the paper quilled Christmas tree earrings that Lorene made for last year's Haul Out the Holly... so cute. Go visit Lorene's blog and leave a comment on her Christmas Cheer Garland tutorial! I'm so glad you could be a part of Haul Out the Holly again this year, Lorene :)
Two weeks down, one to go! See you back here on Monday for the final week of Haul Out the Holly 2011!

Thanks again for having me, Gwen, and for hosting an awesome event! Happy holidays!
Yummo, Lu! Hopefully next year when I have a staircase I can do something similar.
So cute- I can't wait to go check out all the details. I can't believe we've already been through two weeks of Haul Out the Holly. Time flies when you're having fun!
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