My husband was able to get his hands on a generator after our third day without power so that we could run our refrigerator and well pump. You don't realize how important running water is until you aren't able to use it anymore. That definitely made things more manageable for the second half of the week. And now we are prepared should this ever happen again (but hopefully it won't!)
Vermont has been dealing with some terrible flooding, and some of you know that all of my family and my in-laws live up there. Their area of the state was hit pretty hard, but luckily everyone is OK, and their homes were not damaged. My father-in-law's feed store was flooded, but thankfully it was only a few inches of water and the damage was minimal.
There are a lot of things to be thankful for this week, and I've learned a lot... about myself, my family, and people in general, but I need some time to collect my thoughts and decide what I want to share. It was weird to get on the computer tonight and see some of the things I've missed (like my pencil pouch being featured on Craft Zine!) I have a lot of catching up to do, but right now I have a mountain of laundry staring me down, and I need to try to get my family's life back to normal after a crazy, mixed up week. Thanks to everyone who sent good vibes our way as the storm approached last weekend. I'll be back soon.

Wow, glad you're ok! I'm originally from Virginia, and my family there said the area was hit hard there too, but they definitely had their power back after just a couple days. Glad your house is still intact and no one was hurt.
Oh wow Gwen! I had no idea you were without power this whole time!! I'm so sorry! Glad things are getting back on track and nothing major happened. And happy to hear your family in Vermont are okay. And yay for the feature! You deserve it!
Wow, that must have been a lifestyle shocker to suddenly be without modern conveniences. Glad your family is okay and back on the grid!
Welcome back! So, thankful you are all well and very little damage to you! My heart goes out to anyone who has suffered at the hands of Hurricane Irene!
On another note, I did get to see you featured on Craftazine! Congrats!!! I'm making my pencil pouches tomorrow as gifts to my nieces and nephews... plus to my cousin who is also a crafty girl!
Thank you and Welcome back!
Oh, Gwen. What a rough time you've had! I've thought about you often this week, and I'm so grateful you and your extended are safe. Lots of love and prayers your way as you pull things back together. Isn't it amazing what a blessing electricity is?
So glad to hear you are all well! I have no idea what I would do for 6+ days without power... eek! Glad to have you back!
Just read this after replying to the email you sent. First off, great to hear that your house and family (even in Vermont) are all fine. How scary was that Irene... I don't know how we'd fare for a week without power... Good for you for coming out the other side of this thing still in good spirits! You're amazing.
And congrats on the Craft Zine thing!!!!! Yay Gwen, that is fantastic news! I love that sweet pencil pouch. You deserve that recognition for it!!
Glad to hear you are OK and that all your family were able to weather the storm! We tend to forget that there are major forces (ie, weather) that are still beyond man's control.
Happy to hear that you and your family are okay. Looking forward to hearing more of your Irene stories.
So glad you guys made it through fairly unscathed! It must be nice to have power back. :)
Oh and congrats on the feature!
So glad you are all okay. It certainly is NO fun. I was on vacation up in Maine for the Hurricane, and just trying to drive out of the area after it was all over was a challenge to be sure. Detours like spaghetti!! Take care, and see you back soon :)
I am so glad you are okay, I have been worried! When this is all behind you, you must write up a post on how to survive this sort of event. Now go enjoy your electricity!!!
I am happy you have electricity, what a storm and so much damage. Flooding can be so damaging. Take you time and things will get back to normal.
What a week you must have had... glad to hear you're completely back on the grid again!
I'm so glad you and yours are safe and sound, but what a scare!
Glad that you and your family are okay. I'm sure it will take some time to get back to "normal" for everyone. Sending positive thoughts your way!
We live in Florida we missed Irene, but it has been raining for the past two days with whatshisname coming on shore now. Glad you made it out OK, we know all too well what you were dealing with, but we are use to it, and sometimes even look forward to the power going out.
Really thankful that you are all okay. Hope that the damage in your area is quickly repaired and that you all get all the support that you need. Thinking of you all.
yay gwen! I was meaning to email you asking how things were. Without power for that long sounds like a nightmare. I'm glad you guys are safe!
Wow, what a rough week! I've been away from blogland for a while and am just getting back so I need to catch up on what you've been doing all summer!
I bet you had a crazy week! Glad everything is ok! We have been without power that long, and it STINKS!
So happy you are OK and I know you must be thrilled to have the power back on!
Yikes! So sorry to hear about the hassle you've been through. We lost power late Saturday night and didn't get it back until Monday around 2 p.m. I thought that was bad enough! I take my hat off to you!
I am so glad you are all safe. I will keep your family in my prayers. Yours is the worst I have heard about directly from the storm. I feel so bad that you had to experience this. Bless you and yours...
I am so glad you and your family are safe! I cannot imagine what you have gone through. I admire you, how you picked up you life again the way you did! Off to Sew Sweetness now!
Wow Gwen. 6 days without power! That is one long week. I am glad you survived and everyone is safe. I am really feeling for all of you that were hit and struggling. Good luck as you put your family back together after a week like that.
I used to live in a really small village in Spain, far from hurricanes and other disasters. The longest period I have been without power is a day, and it was chaos...
I can hardly imagine how horrible your situation must have been.
Thanks God you are ok.
gosh i am sorry gwen... hope your fam is ok and that their property is too. i hear what you're saying about processing ( -: congrats on craft zine! xo malia
Gad you all are OK. We are in CT too and we lost power for 9 days and 7 hours. Yes I counted down to the hour because it was really a very long time without power. We never got a generator, hoping day after day that this would be the day the power would be restored. We were wrong and really should have purchased one. I too am thankful we are all Ok and no major damaged. we did lose a tree but no one and nothing was damaged form it. Thank goodness.
I don't know how I missed this post until now. I just have to throw my 2 cents in too and say how grateful I am you and your family are safe.
And Holy Yay! about the Craft Zine feature!!! You rock and the whole world should know it!!
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