This was my first go at straight line machine quilting. I hand tied the only other quilt I have ever made. Every other square has one square stitched within it...
The other squares have two squares stitched within them...
The machine quilting was fairly easy once I got the hang of it, but I need to have more patience. After a while I started getting a little bored and put the pedal to the metal, so to speak.
It looks good, but if you look close enough there are definitely
Here's the back...
I like how the stitching gives it some texture without taking away from the print. I'm glad I decided to go with white thread.
All that's left is the binding with just over a week to go before the baby shower. Almost there!

great job gwen! :) it looks awesome for a first go round of machine quilting.
super cute! is that Alexander Henry fabric you used on the back?
I think you did a great job! Be proud and ignore the mistakes it's part of growing.
It's looking fabulous! Are you using a walking foot?
This is so adorable! All the imperfections are just reminders that it was hand made with love! I have a blanket that I've been needing to make for a baby that was born the end of March...I need to get on it!
I love the way you chose to quilt this. I'm a big fan of simple straight line quilting. And a walking foot is a must! You're almost there! Can't wait to see it finished!
I love it! The squares look great from the back (and the front) -- textured and properly held in place but not distracting from that CUTE fabric! This will be such a fun quilt for your niece to just stare at, like all newborns do -- all those bright colors will keep her nice and busy :)
It looks beautiful Gwen. And I LOVE the fabric you chose!!
Excellent work Gwen, I really like the extra detail of an inner square and yes, a walking foot is a must!
You know I still haven't basted or quilted my quilt?! Crazy I know. I need to get a walking foot. You did a great job! I like the technique you used. Looking forward to seeing the completed quilt with the aqua binding :-D
Looking good!And congrats on winning the letterpress :)
You're doing so well on this quilt..I'm sure you'll be making more in the future!
Oh my gosh! LOOOVE this so much. I never thought about sewing a quilt together that way (with the square quilting). If that's your second quilt, let me just say it's 100% better than my tenth quilt! I have no patience for even stiches and steady sewing...I just love fabric! I can't wait to see the binding!
It looks beautiful, I'm looking forward to seeing it all bound and ready to go. I love my walking foot, even though I don't quilt. It's so useful for getting through thick layers.
I just wanted to say thanks for stopping by my blog.
Your quilt looks beautiful! I really like the square quilting pattern. And I saw no mistakes. :)
You're doing a great job, Gwen! I think it's coming along quite nicely!
Looking awesome! Can't wait to see it with the binding and all done! Great job.
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