My sewing closet is being featured on Remodelaholic tonight!
Please take a minute to pop over there and check it out!
Please take a minute to pop over there and check it out!

If you are visiting from Remodelaholic, thanks for stopping by to visit.
Glad to have you here. Hope you stay a bit and take a look around.
Woo Hoo Gwen! Very exciting! It definitely deserves to be showcased!
Woot! I think you are the luckiest girl to have such a fun place to play. I also love your darling FP toys. My daughters love to play with the FP doll house I had as a child.
Congrats Gwen! You deserve it!!! I'm going to check it out!
It is so cute Gwen! Great job. Kristin
Congrats! It looks great!
Go Gwen...makes that week of remodelling worth it!
So cool Gwen!
Congratulations Gwen!
You are lucky to have it!
congrats! That is so cool!!
cool gwynn! hope you had a fab weekend... get any sewing done ( -:
Way to go! is awesome so of course it's featured :-)
Hi lovely,
Somehow I missed your sewing closet so I just went and had a peep and I'm drooooooooling. Lucky, lucky you to have that whole space just to sew! I love the way your cotton reels are up on the wall - it reminds me of your header!
COmpletely gorgeous and I'm so glad for you that you're being featured.
Congrats Gwen ... I'm so envious. You totally used every inch of that closet. Brilliant!!! New follower btw, howdy : )
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