Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Pin It Wednesday: Magnets

Thanks to the 16 people who voted in my poll last week :) Fifteen out of sixteen people voted in favor of Pin It Wednesday, so I guess it stays. I don't think I ever explained my main reason for starting Pin It Wednesday. I don't always have time to sew or craft something new to share - life gets in the way a lot - so, I thought this was a good way to ensure that I have something to post about while sharing the neat things I find in blogland. And although it looks like life has been getting in the way for almost two weeks now, I am sewing! I have three tutorials for you guys over the next two weeks, so I've been busy behind the scenes. Be on the lookout for the first tutorial on the 17th.

On to this week's theme: "magnets". Handmade magnets are a simple and useful gift idea, especially if you put a little thought into who you are making them for. Does the recipient like fishing? Make some fish magnets. Does the recipient like baking? Make some baking-themed magnets. You get the idea. Here are some great ideas to get you started...

I may have to make some of these for myself. I love the idea of making a set of these map magnets for the traveler in your life. And these can be made with any puzzle pieces, so the possibilities are endless. I love these vintage car puzzle piece magnets.
I also love the idea of using a favorite childhood puzzle to make magnets for an adult.
If you have trouble hunting down old puzzles, you can find them on Etsy and eBay.

I have a few old tins that I've picked up over the years, but I was never sure what to do with them. This fits the bill perfectly. Use them to keep pens and other necessities within reach.

These are super easy to make and look really cool. Have a beer or soda lover in your life?
Find some old bottle caps to match their beverage of choice.
These would make great handmade guy gifts, which are hard to come by.

Interested in seeing all of my Pinterest boards? Click HERE.


  1. yeah, i love a good magnet. So useful. Thanks for these links Gwen. The vintage puzzle idea is nifty!

  2. Fun, fun. I think the spice cans are my favorite.

  3. I love the spice tins! At our new house our refrigerator is actually wooden on the outside and I really miss the days of tacking stuff on the fridge!!

  4. I luuurrrrrrve that puzzle magnet idea. Love it!!

    Now I'm thinking about which of my children's puzzles I can raid!!! Ha!!


  5. Hi, I thought I left a comment earlier but see it must not have gone through. I googled how to make a sewing room in a closet and I was directed here! I am using your closet design to help me with mine until my sewing studio is built! I love your blog! Thanks so much for your info! Hope you don't mind, but I will link to your blog!

  6. As one of the 15 who voted I'm happy you're keeping the feature. :) I love the idea of magnets. I am going to make some sports themed ones for my boys- great idea!

  7. That vintage puzzle magnet is such a fun idea. Great idea for puzzles which are missing a piece or three. I look forward to seeing what you are working on, have a great weekend Gwen.


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